Architectural Foundation of Santa Barbara

BEEP Program


Built Environment Education Program

The Built Environment Education Program (BEEP) brings architects and related design professionals into the elementary school classroom, where they collaborate with teachers to reinforce and broaden the state curriculum. The BEEP program happens over a five-week residency, beginning with an introduction to concepts of shelter, scale, and design process, leading to a culminating project where students build an architectural model of an imagined environment.

This architect-student experience of BEEP rewards both student and volunteer; while a young mind is exposed to the world of architectural design, the design professional is challenged to explain, inspire, reconnect with the core values that initially drew them the profession as a student.

BEEP is looking for volunteers to help make this program available to more students! If you are interested in supporting this program, please contact the BEEP Chair, Tom Jacobs.  

Want BEEP in your School?

Santa Barbara County elementary school teachers interested in having the BEEP Program in their classroom, please contact us for more information (and the BEEP Handbook for Teachers and Architects).

Community Education

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